SMAPI log parser

Suggested fixes

  • You don't have the Error Handler mod installed. This automatically prevents many game or mod errors. You can reinstall SMAPI to re-add it.

Log info

Game info:
Stardew Valley: 1.3.33 on Microsoft Windows 10 Home
SMAPI: 2.10.1
Log started: 2019-01-18 01:58 UTC ({{localTimeStarted}} your time)

Installed mods: click any mod to filter show all hide all toggle content packs in list
game 1.3.33 no errors
SMAPI 2.10.1 Pathoschild no errors
Automate 1.11.1 Pathoschild no errors
Better Artisan Good Icons 1.4.3
+ PPJA Better Artisan Goods Icon Pack 1.1
+ PPJA Default Better Artisan Goods Icon Pack 1.1
(+ 2 content packs)
+ ProjectPopulateJsonAssets
+ ProjectPopulateJsonAssets
no errors
Better Fruit Trees 2.5.1 Cat no errors
Better Mixed Seeds 1.2.4 EpicBellyFlop45 no errors
BJSTimeSkipper 1.4 BunnyJumps no errors
Casks Everywhere 1.1 Cat no errors
CJB Cheats Menu 1.18.3 CJ Bok no errors
CJB Item Spawner 1.11.2 CJ Bok no errors
CJB Show Item Sell Price 1.9.2 CJ Bok no errors
Climates of Ferngill [Rebuild] 1.4.1 KoihimeNakamura no errors
Companion NPCs 0.0.8 Redwood no errors
Console Commands 2.10.1 SMAPI no errors
Content Patcher 1.6.3
+ [CP] Sailor Moon Wands 1.2
+ [CP] Tub o Flowers Color Varieties 1.1
+ Babies Take After Spouse v1 1.3
+ Baechu's Portrait 1.0
+ Bathhouse Hot Spring - Content Patcher 1.0.1
+ Catcrows - Cat Themed Scarecrows 1.0
+ Darker and Cleaner Coop and Barn Interiors 1.0
+ Doki Doki Dialogue - Elliott 3.1
+ Eemie's Darker Wood and Gold Craftables 1.0
+ Eemie's Just A New Map Recolour - CP Conversion 1.1.1
+ Elliott - Expanded Marriage Dialogue 1.0
+ Elliott Dialogue Expansion (Doki Compatible) 1.0
+ Flower Valley for ContentPatcher 3.2
+ Flowery English Lamp Posts 2.1-unofficial-Moragaine
+ Gotama's Scarecrow and Hats 1.0
+ Hats Won't Mess Up Hair 1.0.1
+ Karina's Long Hair 1.0
+ Kitty Slimes 1.0
+ Marshmallow Horse (Alternative) for ContentPatcher 1.0
+ NicerVillagersFlirtyBachelors 1.0
+ Ran's Wedding and Flower Dance Attire 1.1.6
+ Unoffical Long Elf Ears Recolors 1.0
+ Unofficial Slime Animals ContentPatcher 1.0
+ Visual Crossing Character Sprite Overhaul for ContentPatcher 1.4.1
(+ 24 content packs)
+ kumarisuchan
+ Schrodingers Kit
+ lakoria
+ Baechu
+ Nanogamer7
+ DocSaturn
+ Dustvy
+ alistairweekend
+ Eemie
+ minervamaga and eemiestardew
+ sabreene
+ sabreene
+ KAYA/jina2ya (original) paradigmnomad (port) turtiny (cabins & log bridge)
+ Eemie/flower edits by Moragaine
+ gotama
+ misatse1019
+ Karina
+ hisameartwork
+ summonercat & jigajang
+ KaguraHime
+ Ran
+ ScalesofGrey
+ Sabishi1985
+ Crossy
no errors
Custom Farming Redux 2.10.9
+ Artisan Valley Machines (for CFR) 1.6
+ Farmer to Florist (for CFR) 1.2.2
(+ 2 content packs)
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ Kildarien (Original assets) + SpringsSong (conversion to JsonAssets)
no errors
Deluxe Auto-Grabber 2.5.2-unofficial.2-pathoschild stokastic no errors
Dynamic Night Time 1.2.1 knakamura no errors
Eat More! 0.2.3 crc-fehler no errors
Fast Animations 1.6.2 Pathoschild no errors
Grass Growth 1.0 bcmpinc no errors
HoldToBreakGeodes 1.2 Cat no errors
Json Assets 1.1.2
+ Aquilegia's Custom Sweets 1.1
+ Artisan Valley Machine Goods 1.5.1
+ Even More Recipes - Meat for JsonAssets 1.1
+ Even More Recipes for JsonAssets 1.4.1
+ Farmer to Florist 1.2.1
+ Fresh Meat 1.3.2
+ Fruits and Veggies for JsonAssets 1.8.1
+ Mizu's Flowers for JsonAssets 1.5
+ More Food: A Collection of Recipes for JsonAssets 1.8
+ More Trees for JsonAssets 1.5
+ Starbrew Valley: A Collection of Alcoholic Drinks and Recipes 1.2
(+ 11 content packs)
+ Aquilegia/AquilegiaStardew
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ Kildarien (Original assets) + SpringsSong (conversion to JsonAssets)
+ ParadigmNomad, MizuJakkaru, ConcernedApe, Maruki
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
+ ParadigmNomad & Eemie (Port) & Mizu (Sprites)
+ ParadigmNomad and MizuJakkaru
+ ParadigmNomad, MizuJakkaru, Chisami, ConcernedApe, ChefRude, &
+ Project Populate JsonAssets
no errors
kisekae 2.1.2-unofficial.1-f4ith Kabigon no errors
LadderLocator 1.2 ChaosEnergy no errors
Lunar Disturbances 1.0.7 KoihimeNakamura no errors
More Grass Starters 1.0.3-unofficial.1-pathoschild spacechase0, eemie no errors
NoCrows 2.0 Cat no errors
Object Time Left 1.0.2 spacechase0 no errors
PHDEUnlockedRecipes 1.0 zesman no errors
Prairie King Made Easy 1.0.1-unofficial.2-pathoschild Mucchan no errors
Prismatic Tools 1.7.1-unofficial.5-pathoschild stokastic no errors
PyTK 1.6.3 Platonymous no errors
Removable Horse Hats 1.0.1 Cat no errors
Safe Lightning 1.5 Cat no errors
Save Backup 2.10.1 SMAPI no errors
SkullCavernElevator 1.2.3 lestoph no errors
Stack Everything 2.13 Cat no errors
StardewHack 1.0 bcmpinc no errors
Swim Suit 0.5.3 Platonymous no errors
Tractor Mod 4.7.3 Pathoschild no errors
walkthroughtrellis 1.0.4 theofficialtab no errors
Wear More Rings 1.3 bcmpinc no errors
Weather Illnesses 1.0.8 KoihimeNakamura no errors
WinterGrass 1.2.2 Cat no errors
Filter messages:
.* aA “ ” HL
{{ filterError }}
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